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Growing globally? Here’s what you need to know about payroll if your business is expanding into China. Paying attention to China's data privacy laws and reformed income tax system is crucial. Getting your payroll compliance right means a happy, engaged and motivated workforce. Getting it wrong can result in financial penalties, investigation by local authorities and reputational damage.

Payroll and HR regulations are similar in most developed nations; it's the ‘exceptions’ in each country that tend to be problematic. For example, in China, it is mandatory for employees and employers to contribute to a housing fund, and each province has its own regulations and taxation deadlines.

Disclaimer: This content is based on generally accepted HR practices, is advisory in nature, and does not constitute legal advice or other professional services. ADP does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, reliability, and completeness of the content. Employers are encouraged to consult with legal counsel for advice regarding their organization's compliance with applicable laws. This content is current as of the published date.

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